Lida Africa is proud to invite managers and researchers from international development organizations, foundations, governments and non-governmental organizations from around Africa, as well as trained M&E professionals to participate in our Executive Training programs;
- Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization Using Advanced Microsoft EXCEL (Content here)
- Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization Using QGIS (see content here)
- Monitoring and Evaluation – Planning & Practice (See content here)
- Mobile Based Data Collection & Creating Dashboards Using Google Apps
These programs will provide a thorough understanding of data management process, and pragmatic step-by-step training for conducting data analysis and development of databases and data collection. While the programs are centred round the above, they will also impart insights on the rationale & designingof impact oriented M&E systems.
Dates, Venue and Times.
The courses are available on Saturday only online on ZOOM running from Saturday, 27th August to 17th September 2022. Each Saturday, Excel and GIS will run from 8am-12pm concurrently, then in the afternoon, Google Apps and M&E will run from 1-4pm concurrently.
Ugandan Participants: Advanced Excel only = UGX 300,000, GIS only = UGX 300,000, Google Apps only = UGX 250,000, M&E only = UGX 250,000. Two courses attract a discount of UGX 50,000.
International Participants: Each Course is 100 USD dollars.
How to Apply and Deadline
Applications are online at (CLICK HERE FOR THE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM), Deadline: Thursday, 25th August 2022
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Monitoring and Evaluation- planning and practice (M&E)